Wednesday, July 12, 2006

How much of Boom Boom???

The whole nation is rocked by the series of blast in Mumbai yesterday. This once again reminds us that we are so very involved in politics that matters like national security and terrorism are taking a back stage. Kudos to the Mumbaikers who have braved all terror and have brought the city to life the very next day. Here lies the difference between India and other countries. This return of normalcy on one hand shows the tolerance capability of people, breed on Gandhian principle and on the other hand shows the lessening of value of human lives in the country. Imagine this happening in any other country, life would have been stopped and ripped apart. But here it goes on.
I feel sorry for those families whose members will never return from office to home anymore. I feel sorry for those who have been bled by the madness of few fanatics. I just don’t know why this keeps happening in India. If some external force is causing this then just have a war and annihilate the force for once and for all. If some internal element is doing all these, search them out and blow them off. We have professed peace for a long time now. Let’s be practical and practice it now, we cant afford to bleed anymore.

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